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2013 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Date Aired or Published July 13, 2013
Media outlet where first aired or published: The Chronicle Herald
Name of Program: Herald Magazine
If co-produced, list partner: Deborah Wiles, Jayson Taylor
Location: Halifax
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

Tiny Fogo Island, N.L., has always been a unique place, with its outport life and generations of fishermen who eke out a living from the sea. When former Silicon Valley executive Zita Cobb decided to return to the land of her birth to open an inn and offer islanders hope for the future, Herald Magazine knew the story had to be told. But to us, it was more than just a story about economics or an inn. It was a story about an island and its people and the conflict between honouring their past while securing their future. We returned with hundreds of photos, hours of tape and a deep appreciation for Fogo Island and its people.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

Writer Deborah Wiles and photographer Jayson Taylor spent six days on Fogo Island and worked within a limited budget to tell the story. We also put together a video to help set the scene for readers.

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