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2013 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Slug/Label Flight of Fancy
Date Aired or Published Jan/Feb 2013
Media outlet where first aired or published: Saltscapes
Name of Program:
If co-produced, list partner:
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

This article revisits Beryl Markham's almost forgotten 1936 trans-Atlantic flight and its connection to Atlantic Canada. Markham's biographies and newspaper coverage were used to recreate her dramatic flight, but the key to the article was identifying, finding and interviewing the few people still alive who recall the day she drew international attention to the tiny Cape Breton community of Baleine.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

This article was completed on a freelance basis.

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