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2013 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Slug/Label Caught
Date Aired or Published June 8, 2013
Media outlet where first aired or published: Telegraph-Journal
Name of Program:
If co-produced, list partner:
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

In A State of Love and Trust, Landry is confronted with the task of profiling St. John’s author Lisa Moore when the story of her life and work as one of the country’s leading novelists had already been well-told in the national media. His determination to tell a new story lead him to uncover the real-life narrative behind Caught, her new novel about East Coast drug smugglers. Landry was able to unearth and review swaths of court documents as well as compile interviews with those involved with drug smuggling in the 1970s to reveal dimensions of the story even the author did not know. The piece was later optioned and released as an e-book by Moore’s publisher entitled Red-Handed: Busting the Real Story of Lisa Moore’s Caught.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

Two weeks while also carrying out regular duties as editor and sole staff writer of the weekly Salon section.

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