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2014 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Date Aired or Published September 2014
Media outlet where first aired or published: Atlantic Business Magazine
Name of Program:
If co-produced, list partner:
Location: St. John's
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

During the past year, I was often struck — in my reading and in my conversations with people I met — by the sense our traditional understanding of who we are as Canadians was being eroded by the actions of a federal government that didn't represent me, or people like me. The column was an attempt to capture that frustration while trying to make the argument that Canadians who feel this way need to do more than simply vote for someone else. We need to demand that those who wish to lead us will un-do some of the new laws on the books. I used social media in advance of writing the column to invite readers to suggest laws and actions they believed needed to be reversed, and then invited readers of the column to add their own concerns. More than 100 people responded to the invitation to make suggestions.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

Written by Stephen Kimber; edited by Dawn Chafe; layout/design by Jason Miller; online components by Carolyn Gill

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