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2014 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Slug/Label NTV Evening News Hour
Date Aired or Published Dec. 4, 2014
Media outlet where first aired or published: NTV
Name of Program: NTV Evening News Hour
If co-produced, list partner: n/a
Location: St. John's
List awards, grants: n/a
Running time (TV/Radio): 60:00

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

Like any day, December 4th., started with a story meeting with the journalists and News Director. There were the usual planned events and press conferences planned and attended. It was a day that mental health took centre stage. We had also planned live coverage of event that Justin Trudeau would be at, we were initially told he wouldn't be available for an interview, but made himself available at the last minute. Then there was the breaking news throughout the day, a flagman at a work site ran down, a car crashing into a building during the news cast (the driver later died). One story designed to promote AED, took an interesting turn when hockey players told how their lives were changed by the devices. In another story, a simple piece of surveillance ended up a story on the dangers of figting back against a robber.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

Entire NTV News Team

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