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2014 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Date Aired or Published March 2014
Media outlet where first aired or published: Natural Resources Magazine
Name of Program:
If co-produced, list partner:
Location: St. John's, NL
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

In this feature, Stephen Kimber wrote a compelling piece bringing our readers the story of Robert Thompson, a man still haunted by his involvement in Nova Scotia’s Westray coal mine disaster. In this story, Kimber takes readers inside Thompson’s current state of mind and how the disaster, and his small role in it, has impacted his life. Written compassionately, but fairly, Kimber’s piece gave Thompson an opportunity to tell the public what he knew about the disaster – a tragic event that still stings residents in the Pictou County region where it occurred. The story came about when Thompson e-mailed Kimber in 2014 expressing a desire to tell his story publicly. After some email correspondence, Kimber met Thompson and conducted an extensive interview with him. Kimber also delved into the Richard Inquiry report regarding the disaster that provided key background for the story, and he did his due diligence in going back and forth with Thompson to fact check the story and ensure the story was accurate before it went to print. The story certainly struck a chord with readers, leading to several comments and resulting in increased traffic to our website.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

Researched and written by Stephen Kimber; edited by Darren Campbell; layout/design by Jason Miller.

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