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2014 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Date Aired or Published December 2014
Media outlet where first aired or published:
Name of Program:
If co-produced, list partner:
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

Mary Pratt came to the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia for her national 50-year-retrospective and, though in pain, did an hour-long interview during which she was unusually open. I also went to her luncheon appearance, interviewed the AGNS curator on the theme of darkness amidst beauty and chose this as the article's theme along with Pratt's experience as a woman since people love her as a woman and an artist and I've done lots of stories in the past on her process, etc., but this is the first time she spoke openly about her family life and people are usually more interested in that than the specifics of painting.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

The story took a lot of time to research and, while I wanted a breezy familial article, it took a long time to write to make it clear and to make Mary Pratt herself live on the page.

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