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2014 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Date Aired or Published 12/04/14
Media outlet where first aired or published: Global News
Name of Program: New Brunswick Evening News
If co-produced, list partner:
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

GALLANT PROFILE – September 18, 2014 This story was initially difficult to pin down. Laura had to do a lot of cold calling to see who would be the best person to let her in and reveal some interesting stories about Brian Gallant. For the record, his parents said no. But she ended up finding out that Gallant was quite popular in high school, and his former teacher and advisor, now principal, still had the yearbooks from Gallant’s years. Then it was just a matter of snagging Gallant to see if he’d be willing to take a look back with her. Lots of research went into this piece, and Laura had to ask Gallant a lot questions you might never have thought you would be asking a potential premier. Although this piece is two minutes – Laura put the extended interview online, and her preliminary research meant Global had an elaborate profile piece on Gallant ready the moment he was elected. Laura filmed most of this in Shediac: 2+ hours away from her edit suite. As a video journalist she is expected to file every day. So she had to hit the road early, film another story for that day, then film her interviews for this piece, drive back, and file same day. ARTHUR FREDERICTON – July 5, 2014 Laura Brown says that she has never, ever worked so hard on her camera work than she did when Hurricane Arthur hit. This story was entirely about the visuals. She started off that day with a tree coming down in front of my car just as she was turning a corner. The wind was so strong, it was hard to keep the camera steady. And Laura was getting in and out of the car so much, soaking wet, the driver’s seat stank for days because of how wet it got. But, she says it was all worth it and that she had a blast. GRAND MANAN PLANE CRASH – August 17, 2014 This was the most difficult story Laura has ever had to do as a VJ. She raced to catch the Grand Manan ferry from Fredericton when she heard what had happened. Once over there, Laura had an hour to gather before she had to grab the next ferry back so that she could file from Saint John. Unable to send stories remotely, or to edit them while in the field, this became a time crunch for Laura. Two prominent, well-loved Islanders had passed away, and Laura wanted was to do them justice. With so little resources, and the location, it was incredibly difficult. But because of the limitations, she had to think outside the box. Photos, memories, talking to everyone – even those gearing up to go fishing – and then speeding back pulled this story together.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

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