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AJAs 2017 Finalists


Slug/Label UPEI review
Date Aired or Published June 14, 2023
Media outlet where first aired or published: CBC Prince Edward Island
Name of Program:
If co-produced, list partner: Carolyn Ryan
Location: Charlottetown
List awards, grants:
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

While this submission doesn’t include it, the story that set these events in motion was published by CBC in December 2021. That initial story laid bare the toxic work environment at the University of Prince Edward Island, and in particular how senior administrators had handled complaints of sexual harassment against the university’s president, having the women who brought those forward sign non-disclosure agreements. Within days of publication another complaint was filed against the president, who then resigned. UPEI ordered a third-party review. That review delivered in June 2023 was scathing, and prompted the departure of one of the university’s VPs and the chair of the board of governors. UPEI launched a comprehensive process to revamp all its policies and staffing around sexual assault, fair treatment, and the use of NDAs. The province made government funding for UPEI contingent on the university implementing all the recommended changes. And the two women who had initially come forward and signed NDAs were given back their voices. Dozens of stories have been written on this, by us and every other major media outlet that publishes in the province (and some that do not). It would be hard to overstate the impact all these events have had not just on PEI’s only university campus, but on the province as a whole.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

The initial reporting in 2021 allowed me (Kerry) about a week to investigate. Ever since then this has all been pretty much part of our daily reporting – no extra time or resources. At times I’ve had to balance my regular gig of covering the legislature with the UPEI fallout. I’ll never forget the day the chair of the UPEI board resigned – we caught wind of it around 4:30 pm while I was at the legislature. I was able to confirm it and change the focus of my live hit from the legislature to cover that.

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