2012 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists

Slug/Label | Halifax standoff |
Date Aired or Published | Nov. 16/17, 2012 |
Media outlet where first aired or published: | thechronicleherald.ca |
Name of Program: | |
If co-produced, list partner: | |
Location: | Halifax |
List awards, grants: | |
Running time (TV/Radio): | |
Short explanation of the story and how it developed: In the early morning of Nov. 16, the Halifax police issued a short news release about "an ongoing incident" near Robie Street. We immediately tweeted the news and posted the first version of our story. Reporter Patricia Brooks Arenburg went to the scene and filed regular updates and photos on Twitter (which the web editors collected in a regularly updated Storify on the site) and by email. Photographers Peter Parsons and Tim Krochak captured some compelling images, which we collected into a slideshow. Parsons also produced a video. Shortly after the standoff began, assistant web editor Susan Bradley did extensive Web-based research to unearth exclusive details about who owned the house at the centre of the standoff, and how the incident may be related to a recent high-profile shooting in Halifax. Court reporter Steve Bruce later fleshed out those details with court documents and sources. Our reporters, photographers and web editors stuck with the story through the day, leading every other media outlet with our in-depth coverage and exclusive content. We even earned praise from a competitor for our "big-J journalism". We had video; a photo gallery; a constantly updated Storify which we also used as a live blog; interesting, compelling reporting; and exclusive information for a complete online story, which we updated more than 50 times through the day. This was a classic example of teamwork and top-notch journalism by making full use of the Internet and social media for researching and reporting a live, developing story with accuracy and speed. |
Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story: |