2012 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists

Slug/Label | Operation Roadrunner |
Date Aired or Published | Nov. 5, 2012 |
Media outlet where first aired or published: | CBC Newfoundland & Labrador |
Name of Program: | Inside Operation Roadrunner |
If co-produced, list partner: | |
Location: | St. John's |
List awards, grants: | |
Running time (TV/Radio): | |
Short explanation of the story and how it developed: Inside Operation Roadrunner is a rare look inside one of the largest drug investigations in the history of Newfoundland and Labrador. http://www.cbc.ca/nl/features/roadrunner/ is the online version of the story told during a five-part television series by reporter David Cochrane. Over a two year period, Cochrane was given exclusive access to Royal Newfoundland Constabulary wiretape, surveillance and police officers while the trials of the 'bad guys' worked their ways through the justice system. While complementary, the online version is completely different in design and scope. It was posted the first day the series ran. It gives users the chance to see longer versions of police surveillance videos, and interviews without the time constraints imposed by television news. cbc.ca/nl's Kathryn King was the writer and the video editor. Peter Gosse was the designer and web developer. The videos are edited using Sony Pro 9 on a desktop, and are a combination of iPhone photos, video elements from the television shoots and archival video. It can be viewed on iPads or smartphones. The videos in the feature received 47,000 views. |
Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story: Reporter David Cochrane spent two years working on the Operation Roadrunner story as charges against the players made their way through the court system. The web feature was based on Cochrane's scripts, his interviews with police, and used footage from his television piece as well as archival footage. IPhone photos were shot by Ted Blades. The web feature was designed by Peter Gosse and Kathryn King. It was written, and the videos edited by Kathryn King - who had little previous video editing experience. Peter Gosse coded everything and created all the graphical elements. Inside Operation Roadrunner was put together in approximately three weeks along with the usual daily duties. There was no extra budget for this project. |