2012 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists

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Short explanation of the story and how it developed: The New Brunswick government is currently working to overhaul the province’s Cultural Policy, a document that serves as a guide for improving and funding the New Brunswick arts and culture sector. The current document is a decade old and badly in need of review. But what should a revised Cultural Policy look like? What changes should be made to improve the province’s arts sector? And what do New Brunswickers envision as the future of their cultural sector? These are all questions examined in a five-part series produced by the Telegraph-Journal in 2012. This expansive series examined many facets of the arts scene: from the current funding void faced by artists to the success of the Francophone community in developing its own vibrant arts and cultural scene – one that many Anglophone artists hope to emulate. The series drew largely on interviews with many of New Brunswick’s top artists and cultural organizers – from Yvon Gallant (a talented painter who can only afford to live in subsidized housing) to Herménégilde Chiasson, one of the province’s most recognizable artists and a former lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick. Nearly 20 interviews were conducted to produce the final series, which we believe is serving as a guide as the province attempts to rejuvenate and better fund its cultural sector. Arts coverage is typically relegated to a newspaper’s back sections, but this series ran prominently on the front page of the Telegraph-Journal – a decision that speaks to the importance of the arts and culture sector in improving the province’s identity, economy and vibrancy. |
Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story: |