2012 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists

Slug/Label | Tropical Storm Leslie |
Date Aired or Published | Set. 12, 2012 |
Media outlet where first aired or published: | The Telegram |
Name of Program: | |
If co-produced, list partner: | |
Location: | St. John's |
List awards, grants: | |
Running time (TV/Radio): | |
Short explanation of the story and how it developed: The entire Telegram newsroom was mobilized to cover this fast-moving, but destructive September storm. Since the greater St. John’s Metro area was ground zero for the post tropical storm, some reporters and photographers were positioned in strategic positions throughout the region. Other staff members were on stand-by and responded to reports of specific areas that received significant damage. Accompanying this network of field reporters and photographers was the Telegram web team. Our web editors had to overcome obstacles, such as power outages, in keeping The Telegram website (link included) current. At times, the web team has to create artificial wireless networks from iPhones in order to keep the website current. The web team also used the Cover It program to provide a constant running blog (link included) of storm information that our readers could interact with. The Telegram’s senior editors had developed a plan to tackle this storm and our team took it and ran with it. |
Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story: All available editorial staff were on mobilized to cover the storm. The web team interacted with our readers through social media in obtaining first-hand information, photos and video. |