2012 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists

Slug/Label | 3 editorial cartoons |
Date Aired or Published | See file names |
Media outlet where first aired or published: | The Chronicle Herald |
Name of Program: | |
If co-produced, list partner: | |
Location: | Halifax |
List awards, grants: | |
Running time (TV/Radio): | |
Short explanation of the story and how it developed: Cartoon #1 Published June 20, 2013 Canadians (beaver) stand blindly in jaws of bill C-38, the Conservative government's massive omnibus bill. Cartoon #2 Published May 24, 2012 University students in Quebec protest Charest government tuition increases (based on Time magazine cover, "Are You Mom Enough?", May 21, 2012). Cartoon #3 Published Dec. 09, 2012 PM Stephen Harper relieves himself in "Canadian Waterways". Published as the Harper government passes legislation removing long-held environmental protections for Canadian waterways, in order to ease the path for industrial development. |
Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story: N/A? |