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2013 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Slug/Label Stanhope Beach Resort fire
Date Aired or Published April 23, 2013
Media outlet where first aired or published: The Guardian
Name of Program:
If co-produced, list partner: Nigel Armstrong, Jocelyne Lloyd, Wayne Thibodeau
Location: Stanhope, P.E.I.
List awards, grants: None
Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

The Stanhope Beach Resort and Conference Centre in Prince Edward Island was destroyed down to the ground by fire in April 2013. The Guardian's photographer, Brian McInnis, was in the area on another assignment and arrived at the resort before firefighters, just before 4 p.m. McInnis called report into the newsroom. From there, web editor Jocelyne Lloyd posted a quick online story without a photo and began tweeting and Facebooking the news: fire's location, weather conditions and advice from firefighters to stay clear of the area. McInnis sent in a photo within minutes, which was posted to the online story, Twitter and Facebook. As the story developed, McInnis shot photos, video and phoned in updates to Lloyd, who posted them to the website. Reporter/photographer Nigel Armstrong went to the site to assist McInnis. By 5:30 the first raw video was posted. By 7:30 p.m. news editor Wayne Thibodeau edited more video and shared it with national and regional TV newscasts. Armstrong checked in with the owners late that evening and got a sidebar story about their reaction posted by the end of the day. At 8 p.m. a minor fire had broken out at another of their properties.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

Two photographer/reporters sent to the scene and to follow up with those affected after the fact: emergency officials, owners and staff. Two newsroom editors who continued to update the online story, edit and post the video and respond to social media. Time: 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. April 23, 2013

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