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2014 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Slug/Label Final Goodbye
Date Aired or Published June 11, 2014
Media outlet where first aired or published: Times & Transcript
Name of Program:
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Running time (TV/Radio):

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

June 10th, 2014 a RCMP Regimental funeral was held for the 3 RCMP officers killed by a lone gunman a week earlier. The photo media spots for the inside coverage of the funeral were given to only the Canadian Press, Reuters, and a photographer for the RCMP. My bosses had asked me to try and get inside and cover the event the best we could but to also cover the event from the outside as well. Prior to the official march the RCMP officialdom again stated there were no shooting assignments for local still photographers inside. I then did not try and get inside by the main door at this point but made my way around to side doors where I hoped there would be local RCMP standing guard who would allow me to get into the funeral. I did get myself into the building and made my way to a spot that I would be able to try and cover the event the best I could. The photo of the RCMP dog sniffing the Stetson and pillow of hislate partner during the funeral touched many hearts as the late officer in his portrait seems to saying good-bye to his partner as well.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

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