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2015 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists


Slug/Label Guardian Dog
Date Aired or Published 12/23/2015
Media outlet where first aired or published: Global New Brunswick
Name of Program: Evening News
If co-produced, list partner: n/a
Location: McAdam, New Brunswick
List awards, grants: n/a
Running time (TV/Radio): 3:07

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

In 2010, Troy Day suffered a terrible snowmobile accident in the bush. He was lying in pain, slowly dying next to a cold, empty lake, when a stray dog appeared out of nowhere. The dog comforted Day and provided him with hope and companionship until he was rescued, leading to a pair of storybook endings that transformed the lives of both Day and the dog. Shelley Steeves tells the incredible story five years later.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

Shelley Steeves wrote and edited the story while camera operator Steve Fiander shot the visuals. The biggest challenge was having only one day to shoot, write and edit a story about an event that happened five years earlier. Steeves and Fiander worked diligently to create a strong sense of place and imbue the story with a freshness that made it feel relevant to viewers.

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