2015 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists

Slug/Label | Fall15-Bump house |
Date Aired or Published | September 2015 |
Media outlet where first aired or published: | East Coast Living |
Name of Program: | East Coast Living |
If co-produced, list partner: | |
Location: | Lunenburg NS |
List awards, grants: | |
Running time (TV/Radio): | |
Short explanation of the story and how it developed: Many East Coast Living stories come from our readers. Homeowners, their neighbours, and their friends frequently suggest homes they think are perfect for our covers. But when we saw the initial shots of this new home in Old Town Lunenburg we knew we our home. This shot articulates everything East Coast Living embodies. It’s small town Atlantic Canada with a modern vibe. The house is a re-imagined modernist take on the traditional Nova Scotia Cape house complete with a contemporary take on the Lunenburg "bump" window. Bruce Murray Bruce’s editorial judgement and ability to direct a shoot while keeping homeowners’ at ease is a big part of why we work with him regularly. On this shoot, he watched the sun and waited for the right time to snap the exterior shot. Shooting at dusk with all of the lights on in the house welcomes the readers into the home and into our magazine. The sky filling the background of the shot gave our designer ample space to place the masthead with room to breathe, and the lawn below the house offered us a space to place white text that pops off the page to tease the story. Additionally, each issue of East Coast Living features a “Special Feature” badge that highlights a DIY opportunity in the magazine. This issue’s badge reads “Make your own fall floral décor”. We highlighted this story on the cover to signpost for our readers that inside they’ll discover tips they can use in their own homes. It presents another key opportunity to tease the reader to look beyond the cover. |
Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story: Like all small magazines in our region, our ability to tell the story is limited only by our budget. We are very fortunate to work with photographers who understand this limitation, but want to work with us to produce something great. |