2015 Atlantic Journalism Awards Finalists

Slug/Label | Information Morning Fredericton |
Date Aired or Published | May 15, 2015 |
Media outlet where first aired or published: | CBC Radio Fredericton 99.5 FM |
Name of Program: | Information Morning Fredericton |
If co-produced, list partner: | n/a |
Location: | Fredericton, NB |
List awards, grants: | n/a |
Running time (TV/Radio): | 30 minute excerpt |
Short explanation of the story and how it developed: Synopsis: When the city's top surgeon decided to go public with his complaints about overcrowding in the hospital he knew where to go. He chose Fredericton's Information Morning radio show to reveal that problem. And when Dr. Ben Hoyt spoke on the show, an entire government and legislature paid attention. That describes the role CBC Radio's Information Morning program plays in the community. We are the conversation starter...and we keep that conversation going at the breakfast table and through the day on social media, asking the questions people want answered. We feel that this halfhour from the our twoandahalfhour show on May 15, 2015 encapsulates some of our best qualities. Dr. Ben Hoyt, chief of surgery at the Chalmers Hospital, painted a dramatic picture of life inside the Chalmer's hospital for us. It was a place where seniors who should be in nursing homes were taking up his acute care beds. Dr. Hoyt had no place to put patients to recover after operations. And the hospital was forced to cancel surgeries by the dozens. The health minister wasn't commenting. But we brainstormed where to go with the story; how we could help listeners understand the complexities of the problem. We thought who better to understand the inner workings of the government and the relationship between the health department and social development. We decided to chase former health minister Ted Flemming who served during the Progressive Conservative government and the former minister of social development with the Liberal government Kelly Lamrock. They had a lot of insight on the issue and provided more depth to an important issue in New Brunswick. It was information that makes people pay attention and ask questions. We are the extra voice at the breakfast table talking about stories people care about. And we mix those conversations with the community touches that make our radio show the most welcome guest at the table. On that same morning, we mixed the important conversation about seniors and health care with a variety of other stories, including a high school marketing class raffle to help students attend university in Africa, we reported from the National Science Fair being held in Fredericton, as well as weather information and all the local, provincial and national news of the day. People in Fredericton and across New Brunswick look to Information Morning Fredericton as the place to hear from the decision makers and to hear the people who hold those decision makers to account. They are informed, challenged and entertained every Monday to Friday. |
Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story: host, producer, 2 associate producers, show director |