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AJAs 2017 Finalists


Date Aired or Published October 30 2023
Media outlet where first aired or published: CBC Nova Scotia
Name of Program: Various (see explanation below)
If co-produced, list partner: NA
Location: Halifax
List awards, grants: NA
Running time (TV/Radio): 4:15

Short explanation of the story and how it developed:

CBC NS commissioned Victoria Levack to attend the 2023 Hal-Con Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention in Halifax as our correspondent. Prior to this, Victoria had been working on an audio series with Podstarter and the CBC Creator Network called Disability Debunked. Through that series, she said that Hal-Con is "the most accessible and accepting event I have ever been to in my entire life." In this video, we really wanted to explore that passion Victoria has for cos-play. During Hal-Con, she spoke with numerous people from all walks of life about how this event and the cos-play community helps them feel seen and connected.

Resources of the newsroom (money and time) available to complete the story:

CBC videographer/editor Dan Jardine worked with Victoria on the story, along with CBC Creator Network producer Natalie Dobbin. Dan shot this piece in one day, and spent three days editing horizontal and vertical versions. It landed on cbc.ca/ns, on television news, on radio, and on Instagram @CBC and @CBC_EastCoast. The budget was around $1850 for Dan and Vicky.

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